Download EOFTW Client

Download EOFTW Client
Download EOFTW Client

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Haven't posted in a while

Well sorry for not posting in a while ok... back to buisness

Eo related:
What is it?
The latest update of endless online. it is especially special because there has not been and new version in over a year
When is it coming?
Well people have thought that it may be coming because of the new updates but it obviously isnt. People think these updates are to lower inflation in the economy (for people who dont know
This is wht happenes when here is too much of somthing making less valueably and raising the prices)
Version 29 would bringwith it loads of new items, maps spells and updates and probably fix the speeding issue. To see a sneak peak of some of the items for v29 go to the downloads section.

Well everyone knows that eo has 3 servers (yes there are 3 not 2), and vults private server but recently sausage from eohax has released eoserv. a package allowing you to make ur own eoserver. Massive amounts of servers have started popping up but Rena has made her own server using her EOsep (its beta then eoserv) Allyou need do is change ur game ip to create an acc an log in. I <3 it

Tazerenix Productions: As you know from the last post this is my site. Its only a basic site right now but im trying to find a decent web space hoster to host all my downloadable files. Currently im looking at using mofile but the're upload server is down.

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