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Download EOFTW Client

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Haven't posted in a while

Well sorry for not posting in a while ok... back to buisness

Eo related:
What is it?
The latest update of endless online. it is especially special because there has not been and new version in over a year
When is it coming?
Well people have thought that it may be coming because of the new updates but it obviously isnt. People think these updates are to lower inflation in the economy (for people who dont know
This is wht happenes when here is too much of somthing making less valueably and raising the prices)
Version 29 would bringwith it loads of new items, maps spells and updates and probably fix the speeding issue. To see a sneak peak of some of the items for v29 go to the downloads section.

Well everyone knows that eo has 3 servers (yes there are 3 not 2), and vults private server but recently sausage from eohax has released eoserv. a package allowing you to make ur own eoserver. Massive amounts of servers have started popping up but Rena has made her own server using her EOsep (its beta then eoserv) Allyou need do is change ur game ip to create an acc an log in. I <3 it

Tazerenix Productions: As you know from the last post this is my site. Its only a basic site right now but im trying to find a decent web space hoster to host all my downloadable files. Currently im looking at using mofile but the're upload server is down.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tazerenix Productions

I've gone and made myself a Tazerenix Productions website. The url is or

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New eoftw guitar

Well i've gotten fed up with the old webs hosting. Ill keep most of the things wif webs still but i've made a new eoftw guitar site using xm hosting ( Its pretty good already and was all done wif my kinda l33t html coding lol. Its still underconstruction and some of the links need fixing. Hope u like it =P

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Network

The eoftw network is growing. Were about to hit 3000 hits on our site. we have over 200 downloads on quite a few of our downloads and we have qite a few followers. I've put up the bard page and i will b changing the template of the other webs pages. U'll also notice that i have changed the main blog template. This is a temporary change and will not be lik this if u... our users dont want it to be. There will be a one week test run with a poll on the side for you to put your opinions on. If you like... we keep if not then we'll either go back to the old one or look for a new one
Eo related:
In other news we had all for admins Vult, Rex, Arvid and teror on today... AT THE SAME TIME. This is obviously in the wake of v29. Now my good friend carlosc. (just came back from a sebatical) has told me that the past 8 versions have been released on a saturday. GOOD NEWS ITS ONLY IN ONE WEEK!!!... anyway carlosc is FINALLY back and he'll probably start posting on the site soon
Here's some pics
(carlosc next to me) (im calihomies)

(rexor is on in his LS) (screenie taken just before he bans 2 people for 2 hours lol)

Till more news. Im off

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bunny Invasion 2

Bunny Invasion 2 - Bunny Invasion 2

Play Now!

My Life, My Guitar.

Just a few weeks ago I was merchanting... after a few transactions I was left with a guitar... somehow.
Only a few days ago i realised that my role in endless was quite minor... My comp wont allow HS for some reason, I'm a mere lvl 17 and I'm not all that rich.

So i took my guitar and started playing it. Quite fun. Making mistakes. Sounds like CRAP. If only there was a way to be perfect.... >:D there is.


Now i've just started but perfect is what it is and you won't find any better "fair" players around. I've made a few already but i Tazerenix has kinda changed the page thingo finder on the right side over there and I'm not sure how to make a new 1! (*gives evil look*)

I'll get up ASAP


Go to

This is a great website and i sujest u go there NOW

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hall of Pain

I got this info off Rettans blog.
Hall of pain is suposidly some super incredible place underneath the aeven grocer. Once you get there u need to go thro different levels and need massive amounts of pots. Heres a video made by some1 i cant remember (gives credit to whoever it was)

Here the link Click here

Monday, March 2, 2009

Upsidedown patch

Byronx has begun work on an upside down patch wich should entertain every1. he hasnt given me the patch so i can work on somthing so i dont have any screen shots to show u. Mabye byronx will post some l8r =]

Eo Map

Eo Map
Check Out Dhex's Sweet Map Of Endless

Hell Map

Hell Map
Check Out this awsome hell map

Maze Guide

Maze Guide
Heres the best made guide in EO
Copyright 2009 Endless Online FTW