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Friday, May 27, 2011

Eo is Back O.O

Well I haven't posted for a year but somehow i log on and we have over 400,000 hits... we seemed to have increased amount of viewers while the game wasn't even online... But yeah, Endless Online IS back! And the notorius speeders have been put to sleep, So yeah, better than ever i suppose. Everything was wiped EXCEPT the name database! Aghh... Lost my Baru! But I'm just happy i have something to do on school nights now... My name is no longer that shitty "helpmebyron".... it's Saltfarm. Which i named after seeing a salt shaker.... Also I have an alt Extrax. Taz is Xtazerenix.

Welcome back guys, fixed the broken links at the bottom. Hope you enjoy the game again!


There are seven new quests on Tutorial Island as you may have noticed:
  • Give a Piggy to the little boy in the house near the boat (Thank you Metalpig)
  • Kill 25 Blobs

  • Kill 10 Piglets

  • Collect 4 goat horns

  • Collect 5 batwings

  • Collect 3 Blobslimes


The treasure hunt consists of finding 3 patches of dirt and standing on them. First one is near the waterfall. Go North from spawn map. Then West one map from there. Waterfall is in the north of that map.

Of course Go back to the Boy and get the clue about the big boat. To find the boat, It's East of the North map. So from Newb spawn map go North one map and then East one map. The Dirt is on the stone dock.

After that the next clue says it's buried in the blob map. This is only one map SOUTH of newb spawn map. it may take a little of wandering but look for a shovel near a tree. The dirt patch is behind it.

Eo Map

Eo Map
Check Out Dhex's Sweet Map Of Endless

Hell Map

Hell Map
Check Out this awsome hell map

Maze Guide

Maze Guide
Heres the best made guide in EO
Copyright 2009 Endless Online FTW