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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

So the server progress is quite good.

5 days and we already have 115 accounts. Blackbox and I are still working on 24/7 uptime. But hopefully that will be okay soon. I apologize for the day of downtime.

Keep playing and enjoy ;)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


hey guys, server is back, missing a lot of our old maps, and its still being developed, but come take a look. Cheers

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

broke again

exactly what it says above.

Jimmyee again i'm assuming.

I shall update as the game updates.

Monday, June 6, 2011


06/06/11 20:49:47 AEST - Server reboot.

Everything appears to be fixed. For now.


Thankyou Vult-R

SMD Jimmyee

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Eo Server Busy -_-

It seems like the game has just come back out of a dark black hole... and now it has been sucked back it. Rumour has it, Jimmyee has overloaded the server with connections to make it think that the server has reached its maximum player capacity. I.e. the server can hold 500 online players and Jimmyee has made it think that there are 503 or so... The only way to get in is to simply keep trying... To get in while his script falters i guess, and slip past. Just like trying to log on when there were 2000 players online a few years back and you had to wait your turn.

His motive appears to be him wanting the character name "Mcpot". Wickedfrost claims this is a name that all the botting account info gets sent to, which seems like his attempt on stopping ppl from botting... other ppl say he's just a sook and wants his old guy back. I dunno, but i don't like him much.

Problem is Vult-R has the power to return the name, but
1. Doesnt even realise something's wrong.
or 2. Doesnt give a CRAP about it.

My suggestion, download our Autoclicker here and just let it click login until ur in... you can drag the error message box so that the "OK" button is the same place as the "Login" button.

It's a sad time :(

Saltfarm X

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