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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Server down

Server will be down for a while due the port that has stopped fowarding itself...
i dont actually understand but blackbox who has somewhat VANISHED from this blog has asked me to say this

if u would like to continue playing for the time being u need to download hamchi. Its easy to understand
the network to join will be eoftw and the password will be eoftw

until l8er.. sorryyy


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

20 000


and thankyou for visiting ;)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Server Cautions

I'm posting for Blackbox seeing as he has somewhat DISAPPEARED from this blog. TEMPRAROLY

His words were:
"Can you please post on EoFtw that if the server crashes on Thurdays that it will be down until Friday evening"

well that's self explanatory isnt it


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nuh uh!

oh no you don't taz
quit yur sulking! u have NO right to remove blackbox as contibutor
if u havnt realised he has done a LOT more for eoftw than both of us put together
he removed u from admin until u realise people dont respect you if u bag their work... SO WHAT if atlas will be better than the private servers? SO WHAT if u are admin on eob?

I am


with you saying that blackbox's server sucks! AND im


with you carrying on like if YOU were trying than it would have been better!

Draconian is practically the only piece of work that uve started AND finished... honestly... stop acting like a 7 year old rich kid and stop insulting people, that includes me! yes me! i contibute to the eoftw server and when u say that its going down the drain i get extremely frustrated...

i could argue my point so much more but i'd rather get to the point

STOP acting like a child
STOP insulting your friends

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Ok so I've been sick the last couple of days and today my mum said I could stay home so I've been working on the event and guess what its almost done the only things left to do are making it automatic and byronx has to finish the new event map.

Well I forgot the codes that tell the server how a team wins and what to do when they do. So its still a little bit from finished.

The Blackbox

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Server is going good we have a new Hall Of Pain just head down from the new town centre
Im working on adding a event that is automatic but I cant stay up all night and be on during the day to work on it as I have school, At the moment it needs a HGM to be on to operate it but even then not everything has been set up completly

Well thats me for now cya later

The Blackbox

Theres a new poll
I dont care If you dont vote for me I wont ban you or anything of the sort.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Eoftw Dance Remix 2 IS OUT!!!

It's finally finished, the 2nd Remix has been completed. Click the link to view it!

Eo Map

Eo Map
Check Out Dhex's Sweet Map Of Endless

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Hell Map
Check Out this awsome hell map

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Maze Guide
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