Download EOFTW Client

Download EOFTW Client
Download EOFTW Client

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Maze Guide

So maze gives 3 x 5k exp a day so I made this

1) Extract to maps folder
2) Start maze quest
3) Run maze map replacer.bat
4) walk on to stairs in eo
5) If all worked follow the blue path


Friday, August 5, 2011

EO Main

So I found out two things while playing main today.

1) Instant 20 minute ban when selling large quantity's of items. (About 100+)
2) Daily Kill limit of 2400. Exceeding it will result in no exp gain for rest of day.
You can use #kills to check how many you have left.

EDIT: Still get exp from quests.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Okay so we've done quite well i think, in a few weeks we've made some considerably good quests (I think) created a client, added Woodcutting, Mining, Fishing, and so far one event game, (Team Pk). In the process of making a new game and adding a ticket system where the winners receive tickets which can be exchanged for prizes. I would like to thank Blackbox for his exceptional coding abilities and Kaitee for her patience and Help mapping.

The client includes new weapons, armours, npcs and a few hats. They will slowly be added in in the near future. Newest additions: New crafts at lore bob #1 and also new kings quest near the new castle. Keep playing and have fun ;)

Eo Map

Eo Map
Check Out Dhex's Sweet Map Of Endless

Hell Map

Hell Map
Check Out this awsome hell map

Maze Guide

Maze Guide
Heres the best made guide in EO
Copyright 2009 Endless Online FTW